Sanford Ikeda
Sanford Ikeda is professor emeritus of economics at Purchase College (SUNY), a fellow of the Colloquium on Market Institutions and Economic Processes (NYU) and a Visiting Scholar at the Center for the Philosophy of Freedom (U. of AZ), and serves on the boards of The Economic Freedom Institute and The Center for the Living City.
He is the author of Dynamics of the Mixed Economy, with scholarly publications in The Southern Economic Journal, Environmental Politics, Social Philosophy & Policy, The American Journal of Economics & Sociology, Cosmos+Taxis, The Independent Review, Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, and The Review of Austrian Economics.
He has contributed entries for The International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (on Robert Moses) and for The Encyclopedia of Libertarianism (on Jane Jacobs, rent seeking, and interventionism), and has published essays in Forbes and National Review Online. His current research focuses on the interconnections among cities, spontaneous social orders, entrepreneurial development, and urban policy.
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